Sunday, October 26, 2008

Did you know that the Federal Government took Tommy Chongs Videos Away !

Did you know that the government took away Tommy Chong's masterpiece video documentary about his arrest for manufacturing drug paraphernalia ? I was arrested the same day that Tommy was arrested. We were taken into federal custody and our buisnesses were shut down along with 53 others in a bust called " Operation Pipe Dream ." We were all arrested for manufacturing and distributing Drug Paraphanalia and we were all brought to justice in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. All of the arrested parties eventually plead guilty and not one person fought the charges. Can you imagine that? No one fought, does anyone want to comment on this ?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Holland's New Weed Cup !

December 13th 2008 we are celebrating the first No Mercy Supply International Weedcup in the Volkskrant Building in Amsterdam, sponsored by 420 Magazine. Seven awards will be handed out: 3 for indoor, 3 for outdoor and one overall cup.

Attention: contestants must make sure to enter their contribution before November 18th. For details participants are required to get in touch with

The jury consists of the following people: Lange Frans (rapper-activist), Giel Beelen (radio 3FM dj-activist), Mila Jansen (mama hasj/Ice-O-Lator/pollinator), Jan Sennema (reporter of Highlife), Wernard Bruining (cannabis activist), Ronald Glas (laboratory freak), Jackie Woerlee (medical activist), Evert (activist and creator of De Verdamper), Jolanda Bruining (activist and co-founder of GroenVrij Internet Party), Simon Vinkenoog (author/poet and cannabis activist).
Entries are not just tested through smelling, tasting and smoking by the jury members, they are also subjected to a laboratory test.
Entries containing pesticides will be taken out of competition immediately.
Decisions made by the organization are final.
During the party visitors can enjoy a live music program with sessions and a performance by Lange Frans. Additionally several speakers are scheduled: Jackie Woerlee (medical activist), Wernard Bruining (chairman of GroenVrij Internet Party).
Four vaporizers will be available to allow visitors the experience of tobacco free ‘smoking’. Of course there will be plenty of place for those of you who still like to smoke the old fashioned joint.
Dining is possible in the amazingly pleasant restaurant on the 7th floor while enjoying a breathtaking view of Amsterdam.
In principle this celebration will be held under the auspices of GroenVrij Internet Party, in order to strengthen and enlarge its support. No Mercy only serves GroenVrij Internet Party.
Doors will open on Saturday December 13th at 16:00 hr. Registered security staff will check for hard drugs and/or arms.
Entrance fee for visitors is €15. Participants and their partner or one friend are exempted from paying entrance fee.
Information on registration and details concerning entering contributions are available through or phone number 00 31 (0)6 1088 0714.

No Mercy Supply International Weedcup
December 13th 2008
Doors open: 16:00 hr

Wibautstraat 150
1091GR Amsterdam

More info:

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Art of the Glass Pipe

Degenerate Art: The Art and Culture of Glass Pipe' boldly showcases the work of 16 glass artists from throughout the United States, exhibiting pieces that fall outside the boundaries of conventional art. This exhibition provides a snapshot into the history of glass pipes and shows the direct influence the pipe movement has had on the evolution of lampworking.

I attended this show at the Mark Woolley Gallery in Portland Oregon. I was very impressed with the skill level of all of the artists involved. It was great that someone had the forethought to schedule this show during the world glass conference. This made for a broad spectrum of viewer that attended the show. There were many artists of all levels as well as a number of different collectors. The approach to the pipe was different from artist to artist but there was one common denominator, all pieces were inspired by marijuana. Lets remember that this was a show that highlighted the modern flameworker. To be exact the show was actually detailing a certain "breed" of modern flameworker. I like to call it a switchback revolution. Dont get me wrong, I very much respect the modern flame workers. They have developed the industry of lampwork or flameworking and taken it far past where it was only fifteen years ago. There was a lack of the actual facts on the evolution of the glass pipes particularly the modern "color changing glass".
The show at the gallery was full of great works of art and I was also impressed with the real fuck authority attitude that prevailed. I asked the woman who was selling the work if she knew that she was breaking the law. She smiled awkwardly and said that she had no idea. I told her that I had been arrested here in the same state for selling some pipes and bongs that were very similar to the ones that were here in the gallery. Mark Woolley and his sponsors really went out on a limb here. I can only imagine who would be subpoenaed as the witnesses in this trial ? This really opens the doors for the industry. If there were more professionals who accepted the pipe or bong not only as an item, but as art, the industry could thrive. Not only does this power the paraphernalia industry but it moves the evolution of the technique forward.